C&C is free (and always will be) but there are behind-the-scenes costs to coordinating our monthly meetups and managing an active online presence. Since members come from all across the startup/self-employment spectrum, we’ll never require or expect contributions from participants but we do want to give participants an opportunity to pitch in if they’d like to. With that said, we’ve started a Patreon account for C&C. With Patreon, you can pitch in as much or as little as you’d like to support our ongoing efforts.
Contributions will not be publicized—they’re anonymous so no one can (nor would) give you side-eye for not being on the list. Contributions will, however, help us keep the C&C lights on without out-of-pocket spending, cover implicit coordination costs, and provide the resources we’d need to pursue new member-advancement initiatives.
Some examples:
Tangible Things (Currently paid for out-of-pocket)
-Web hosting and domain fees
-Member giveaways (stickers, buttons)
-Coffee/supplies (for meetups)
-Coffee/drinks (for when the coordinators meet up to coordinate)
Intangible Things (Time we aren’t being compensated for)
-Meetup planning/coordination with location hosts
-Inviting/onboarding members
-Website updates
-Directory creation/management
-Social media activity
-Forum moderation
Future Things (Stuff we’d do with more re$ources)
-C&C business cards (for members to share with people they want to invite)
-Member benefits (blog pitches, soliciting sponsorships, hosting more events/parties)
-Monthly social media management platform subscription (to make Levi and April’s lives easier)
-Space/equipment rental (for future meetups/parties)